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Bolivia Coup D Etat

Bolivian Coup Attempt of 2024

Background and Tensions

Bolivia, a country with a history marked by political instability, has experienced numerous coups d'état throughout its existence. On 26 June 2024, the nation was once again on the brink of a power grab as General Juan José Zúñiga, commander of the Bolivian Army, attempted to seize control.

Attempted Coup and Military Response

General Zúñiga deployed troops to storm Plaza Murillo, the central square in La Paz, where the presidential palace and other government buildings are located. Armored vehicles rammed into the doors of the palace, sending shockwaves through the city.

Presidential Resistance and Public Support

President Carlos Mesa, who had been elected just four months prior, refused to cede power. He appealed to the public for support, calling on citizens to defend democracy. Thousands of protesters took to the streets, confronting the troops and demanding the end of the coup attempt.

Arrests and Failed Coup

As the public outcry intensified, the armed forces pulled back from the presidential palace and General Zúñiga was arrested. The coup attempt had failed, and President Mesa emerged victorious.


The 2024 Bolivian coup attempt was a reminder of the country's fragile democracy and the lingering tensions that threaten its stability. The failed attempt reinforced the importance of civilian control over the military and the resilience of the Bolivian people in resisting attempts to undermine their democratic freedoms. However, it also underscored the need for Bolivia to address the deep-rooted causes of political instability that have plagued it for centuries.
